Sunday, June 19, 2016

He calls him Daddy.

We take this Sunday to celebrate dads.  Dads are awesome!!  Before they were dads, they were boys.  So, fellow boy moms and dads, listen up. You are raising someone's future husband and daddy.  Raise them babies right!  Teach those boys and young men to protect and provide.  Not only to protect and be strong with physical might.. but strong in God and strong in sensitivity.. Raise them to protect their heart and the hearts of those they love.  Teach them to be providers of all things.. even emotional needs. Raise up gentlemen and heroes.  Teach that young man to stand up for others.. those who can't or won't stand up for themselves.

I love being a boy mom!  It is a great responsibility.  What makes it wonderful is I chose the man I married knowing, he will be the example of what a man should be to my children.  Let me take a minute to brag on my husband..  He is Godly, giving, kind, patient, strong, sensitive, providing, smart, considerate, intelligent, hard-working, loving, funny, handsome, protective, passionate, and caring...  Literally, he is the whole package.  He completes and compliments me.  He is the standing example to James of what a man of God is.  I am so thankful.  Some say having a child causes distance in marriage.. In my experience, having a child has made me fall more in love with my husband.  Seeing him be a daddy is everything to me.

So, single ladies.. when you are dating and deciding if a man is marriage material.. decide if he is father material.  

Picture that man not only as a husband but as a daddy.  Get him around friends who have kids, or kids that are in your life.. See how he interacts.  Ask him questions.. Questions about his upbringing.. when he is a father, what would he continue or change.. how many kids does he want.. how much of an active role will he take as a dad.. I'm not saying to do this all on the second date or bombard him with questions of fatherhood.. Don't be demanding or crazy.  I am saying these questions need to be asked when you are serious.. And it should feel natural.  When you are talking about engagement or are engaged, there are important future questions you need to ask and have answered.. that's what good premarital counseling is for, which is a whole other post for another day.

Well, I hope all the fathers had a blessed Father's Day.  I pray every dad understands the magnitude of their worth and much needed role in their child's life.  Be an active, positive influence in your child's life.  It makes all the difference.

Here are a few Father's Day pictures from our weekend <3

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