Thursday, May 12, 2016

THIRTY & Thankful

For the past couple of years I have been saying I would start a blog.  Well, a year older always brings about introspection for me.  Yesterday, I turned the big 30.  I've put off this blog for reasons surrounding my two biggest life events: motherhood & grad school.  Now that I've conquered grad school and am embarking on my journey as a counselor, I feel it is time.  Really what I am saying is now that I don't have to write 20-30 page papers every week, typing up a blog isn't considered a chore any more but something fun.

I have thought long and hard about what my first post would be.. Surely something life changing.. challenging.. or monumental.. I am not sure any of those descriptions will stick. Instead I want to share something that is on my heart and dedicate this first post to my husband. As my 'about me' section states.. We have been happily married since 2009.. 7 YEARS this August <3 and since my birthday was yesterday, it is only fitting I share the best gift my husband has ever given me.

James Kal-El Dillon

You are probably thinking.. Cliche. Of course it she would say her son.. this adorable-blonde haired-blue eyed- sweet heart... But, it goes beyond the gift of my son & motherhood. My husband has given me the gift of being a stay at home mom for 2 years. For 2 years, I have been the sole caregiver for this little boy.  For 2 years, my husband has worked hard, been my support through grad school, and made it possible for me to stay home.

See, being a stay at home mom wasn't the plan. We didn't plan to get pregnant until after I finished grad school. Well, God had a different plan, and I thank Him every day.  I found out I was pregnant my first week of grad school.  We were elated and overwhelmed. This wasn't our plan.. I was supposed to be done with school.. have the Master's degree.. be secure in a job.  But, God knew I needed these 2 years being a stay at home mom.  Dallas worked hard to make it happen.  I can never thank God or Dallas enough for this precious gift.  James is a part of my heart.  I didn't realize how hard it would be for me to start work.  I had been a nanny for 12+ years always taking care of other mommies' littles. I never knew the struggle within. I never knew the battle of being an ambitious or a career driven woman vs. wanting to stay at home and not miss a moment with your baby. Now, I know. I know the heart ache. But, most importantly I know the 2 years I was able to be home with my baby.  I will never take that time for granted.

So, Dallas, thank you. Thank you for your hard work and sacrifice. Thank you for your support and encouragement. And, thank you for the best gift you could of ever given to me. I love you.



  1. This is so sweet! I'm excited to read what else you have up your sleeve for this blog!

  2. I love this! So happy for you that you got this wonderful gift. You're such a great mom!
